Infotorg API Services

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Folkets Fotavtrykk

Folkets Fotavtrykk gjør det mulig for Norske kommuner å få innsikt i utslipp fra dets innbyggere

Folkets-Fotavtrykk API pages

Boat Information

In this API, you will find information about leisure boats registered on a company or person, in Norway. This register contains information about the ownership, engine size and other relevant boat related data, provided by the Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue.

Boat Register API pages

Company Information

In this API, you will find information you need to make correct decisions concerning companies in Norway. This register contains information such as yearly revenue, number of employees, ownership, management and board members, and other financial information.

All registered companies are included.

Company Register API pages

Payment Channel Consents

Customer Data & Consents is a REST web service which provides information about end customers such as digital payment channels for the given customers.

Customer Data & Consents API pages

Employee & Employer Information

Through this API, you can find information concerning the employees and employers in Norway. It is delivered by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) and contains information such as length of employment, type of employment, previous employee/employer and other employment related information.

All registered employees and employers are included.

Employee & Employer Register API pages


InfotorgKreditt er Tietoevrys fullverdige kredittopplysningsprodukt. Vi har utviklet produktet i samarbeid med Creditsafe, verdens mest anvendte kredittopplysningsforetak.

InfotorgCredit API pages

Movables Register

This API provides you with information related to movables (Løsøre) in Norway. It is delivered by the The Brønnøysund Register (BRREG). The registry contains information such as mortgages, leasing agreements, marriage pacts and bankruptcies.

Movables Register API pages

Population Information

The National Population Register provides you with information on all the registered persons residing in Norway, and Norwegian citizens residing abroad. The tax authorities (Skatteetaten) are responsible for the register provides information like age, sex, place of birth, registered address, family ties and other citizen information.

National Population Register API pages

Phone Number Information

Here will find all the phone numbers registered either on a company or person, in Norway. The register has over 10 million numbers which is updated daily. Information is delivered by Opplysningen 1881.

Phone Register API pages

Property information

This API provides you with information necessary to make decisions when buying, selling, developing, and managing properties. It contains all the judicial, technical, and economical information related to the all properties in Norway.

Property Register API pages

Vehicle Information

Are you looking for who owns a car or motorcycle, or the time of vehicle registration? In the Vehicle Register API, you can also find information on vehicle classification, chassis, weight and other related information.

Vehicle Register API pages