Phone Registry (Nummeropplysninger)

Onboarding guidelines and documentation


We have collected a number information from all relevant sources, including 1881, Telefonkatalogen Bedrift, and ensure that they are always 100% updated for you.

Here you will find information about:

Free text search makes it possible to search in one field. Here you can combine industry with place, first name with postcode or you can just fill in a telephone number. All listings that match your search will be returned. It does not get any easier than this.

100% updated data in own systems

Talk to one of us and we will arrange a solution that integrates the information in your own system. It makes your day more efficient and you appear more professional. It’s worth a lot.

100% updated data in own systems

Talk to one of us and we will arrange a solution that integrates the information in your own system. It makes your day more efficient and you appear more professional. It’s worth a lot.

For more information visit Nummeropplysninger