Customer Data & Consents

Payment Channel Consents

Onboarding guidelines and documentation


Where do I start?

Use Swagger-UI to get familiar with this api. If you already have the test client credentials you can call the real endpoints and it is very convenient from there. We can arrange a quick demo if needed.

When/How often should I send (POST) my customers?

We recommend sending new or updated customers once a day. It does not mean that you have to send them in one request, you can send multiple HTTP requests. Loading all the existing customers is usually needed only once. Consider using batch endpoints for larger customer collections - it is a bit harder to use (you have to check the response to see which customers persisted and which were rejected) but is a faster process.

When/How often should I fetch (GET) customers and their channels?

It depends on your needs. There are two endpoints at your disposal:

How to fetch changes incrementally (using cursor-based-pagination works)?

When/How often should I delete (DELETE) customers?

Once you are pretty sure you will not need channels information anymore, for specific customer, it should be deleted from the CDC database.

I keep getting HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) response for some of my requests. Why?

Your client may get throttled if you call get-customers-type endpoints with the same cursor value or without cursor at all. Throttling is not fired if cursor value changes for consecutive requests.